Aziza Sheerin

General Assembly Singapore
when interviewed in
March 2018

Aziza Sheerin runs the Singapore branch of General Assembly, a tech education company. It was founded in 2011 in NYC and Aziza helped set up the SG branch three years ago. General Assembly aims to bridge the gap between traditional education and skills that modern employers are looking for in terms of technology, data and design jobs.

Among other topics, Aziza talks about her responsibilities, the courses they offer, her passion for education, career changes, her daily routine and people that inspire her by paving the way for others.

“65% of children in primary school right now will be working in jobs you and I haven’t heard about… The question that has always been on my mind is: how can we train people for a new economy?”


Part 1

Current responsibilities | General Assembly? | Courses | Coding career | Daily routine | Inspirational figures

Part 2

Singaporean parents | Success stories | Nurturing curiosity

Part 3

Importance of college | Economic independence | Important skills | Regrets

Part 4

Future perspective | Rewarding work | Optimistic? | Potential of technology | Worries

Part 5