Mario van der Meulen
Mario van der Meulen is the principal designer at Foolproof SG. It’s a UX design agency that was started in 2002 in the UK. Mario is originally from Belgium and moved to Asia around the millennium. He considers himself an old school graphic designer – a ‘designosaurus’ to be precise – a very friendly and insightful one we should add.
During our interview, Mario talked about his responsibilities, how he connects things as a designer, the mindset of a design person, developing ideas, feedback & criticism, curiosity, his graphical journey, soft skills and people he looks up to.
Part 1
Current responsibilities | Connecting brands with people | What is design? | Cool bits about design
Part 2
Wearing two hats | Handling critique in design | Coders and designers collaborating | Tricky bits
Part 3
Improving design skills | Customer behaviour | Facilitating skills | Good career choice?
Part 4
Daily routine | Writing down ideas | Free time | Annoyances | Inspirational people
Part 5