Rohan Walsh
Rohan Walsh is the Creative Director at TradeGecko. Based in Singapore, the young startup creates inventory and order management software. Wearing many hats in his position is something Rohan is more than used to. On top of his coding and design responsibilities, he takes on marketing responsibilities when necessary.
In our super relaxed interview, we talked about his home country South Africa, the SG design scene, design highs, why being in tech is a valuable career choice, designing with code, survival instincts, tech impact, AR/VR design, college education, web design evolution and what he wished he would have learned earlier in life.
Part 1
Current responsibilities | CMO? | Multiple ‘hats’ | Getting into design | Professional joys | Design high
Part 2
Improving skills | SG design scene | Learning earlier | Important skills | Tools
Part 3
Tech impact | 2050 | Selflessness | Survival instincts
Part 4
Importance of college | Tricky bits | Career trajectory
Part 5
Startups? | TradeGecko? | Hard bits | Startup advice